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Introducing Linked Permission Slips Permissions and Staff Approvals

​This update explains how this will improve your permission slip workflow...

As part of our continuing effort to make SchoolBridge the most comprehensive tool for EOTC management in New Zealand, we will soon be adding the ability to link EOTC proposals to permission slips. This has the benefit of allowing your approvers to see all of the information pertinent to the event in one place.
When the proposal is linked to the permission slip, approvers will be able to see a live view of the permission slip data formatted in a way that is relevant when considering approval.
This will allow approvers to check the event description to ensure a consistent caregiver message and experience. It will also let them  see which consent form will be sent, which students are attending, if costs are involved and more.

Permission slip linking can be added to any form workflow and there will be a new setting on the Form Information tab to allow you to set this up.The new settings will give you the option to require the permission slip link, make it optional or disable linking.

These settings will be available to edit by the end of August 2023 and roll out during September 2023.

Controlling when they can be sent, and who can send them

Many schools have told us that they would like more control over when a permission slip can be sent to caregivers. Soon we will be making a change to the system so that the default behaviour will be that users can NOT send a permission slip unless the linked EOTC approval is approved.

In cases where staff need to use the Student & Caregiver Forms for purposes other than EOTC, we will be adding a new staff permission that grants these users the ability to send forms without approval.

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