KAMAR school.kiwi Web Portal 2024 Changeover

Integrating SchoolBridge with the new KAMAR school.kiwi portal

Our Recommendation: 

SchoolBridge has an easy entry point for Students and Caregivers, they are often using the system for day-to-day actions such as consent forms, course selection and absences reporting.

Our integration currently provides a safe-secure login in to the school.kiwi portal, but the portal no longer passes that back. 

We recommend inviting students/caregivers to login to SchoolBridge first, then using our school.kiwi icon to pass them in to the portal and the functionality it provides. We can't and would not want to masquerade as the portal, so it will look different as the user is switched in to that system.

In SchoolBridge:
If you are an Administrator user in SchoolBridge, click on the Settings area and you will see the second menu: Authentication Settings.

Click this and select the school.kiwi option.

Next, in the field for the Portal URL, enter your new https://your-domain.school.kiwi/ url in to the field. Then copy the API Token that shows next. (This is the long unique text string).

Open KAMAR, go to SETUP => SERVER => school.kiwi and you will see the [ Configure ] button.
Click this and it will open up the web portal configuration screen.

Scroll to the bottom on the left sidebar to the Single Sign-On Setting menu and click this. You will see Google, Microsoft and SchoolBridge as options. Click on the toggle on SchoolBridge and paste in the API Token from the previous step. Make sure you Save your Changes.

Navigating Back

In the school.kiwi Navigation settings, you can add a 'Custom Tile' which will sit on the main screen of the portal, Below is an example tile.You can also set up a custom page (or do both) so you get a navigation item across all pages, this method means you need to add a button on the custom page, the tile opens SchoolBridge up in a new window. 

If you add a custom page, drag it to the top, Name it 'Dashboard' or 'SchoolBridge' and make sure all access types can see it. Here is an example button code, change the YOURDOMAIN to your SchoolBridge URL

<a class="card sk_card w-100 py-5" href="https://YOURDOMAIN.bridge.school.nz/" style="font-size:30px;" target="_blank">Go to SchoolBridge</a>

Don't forget to save your changes.