Sport & Activity Registration

SchoolSite enables your school to organise registrations for sport teams or other extracurricular activities without the need to use a 3rd party provider. SchoolSite strives to always keeps caregivers in the loop by first requiring students to express their interest in the activity whereupon their caregivers are notified via email and asked to give permission for their child to register.

SchoolSite enables your school to organise registrations for sport teams or other extracurricular activities without the need to use a 3rd party provider. SchoolSite strives to always keeps caregivers in the loop by first requiring students to express their interest in the activity whereupon their caregivers are notified via email and asked to give permission for their child to register.

The email that caregivers receive contains a link for them to click asking them to login to the registration site using their KAMAR account. Once logged in, caregivers can read details, terms and conditions and finally approve or decline their child’s registration.

The system allows you to create any number of activities and set which year levels can register for which activity. Each sport can have its own homepage where contact information, news and photos and videos can be posted. Activity fees can also be set up to be paid online. All student and caregiver information is checked against your existing KAMAR data, so no extra work is required to connect with your community. To help your organisers meet deadlines, reminders can be sent to caregivers via email and SMS TXT when they are late in giving approval for the activity.