Analysis of Variance Reports

​All New Zealand school boards are required to submit yearly planning and reporting documents to the Ministry of Education. The board’s charter will set out the goals and targets for your school into an Analysis of Variance (AOV) report, an important component of which is academic achievement.

The AOV module makes it easy for your team to collaboratively generate detailed academic progress reports.

The AOV report becomes the statement from your board to the Ministry about how the school is progressing and how effective past actions have been in improving outcomes, especially for at-risk students. The AOV also serves as an important starting point for future improvement initiatives.

SchoolBridge includes a streamlined report building tool that allows your team to collaboratively generate these reports, with the benefit of a live connection to the results and demographic data stored in your SMS to automatically generate charts and graphs needed to support your strategies.

Report Template Builder

Curriculum managers can define the report template they want staff to use so that all of the reports follow a common format and you can be sure that everyone is tracking the same metrics.

Report templates can include statements on department goals, actions taken, self reviews or any other statements you would like to collect from department heads. SchoolBridge then makes it easy for your HOD’s to support their goal statements with charts and graphs featuring data automatically pulled from your SMS data, including:

Subject Graphs - This report generates a bar graph that will breakdown achieved results by a standard for a given year.

Comparison Graphs - This report allows you to break down NZQA results for a standard by ethnicity, decile or gender and compare your schools results against national averages from NZQA supplied data.

Department Student Summary - This report generates total students enrolled, number of classes, and average class sizes for multiple selected classes.

Senior Analysis - This report will comb through your SMS data for a given subject and focus on senior student achievement in areas such as AS/US credits, external credits, average number of credits gained, merit and excellence endorsements and more. The report will generate these totals over a range of years for comparison.

Once the template is defined, HODs can enter their summaries, and because of our tight integration with KAMAR, statistical information relating to the academic metrics you are interested in are automatically inserted for the staff member, along with the associated bar graphs and charts. Once submitted, your curriculum manager can review the reports and export them to PDF.

COSTINGS: This is a paid add-on. $500 Annually. Please contact Inbox Design to enable this for you.