Tuesday 23 August 3:30 pm - SchoolBridge - An Overview for New and Current Users

Sb Workshop

Tuesday 23 August 3:30 pm  - SchoolBridge

Join us for a SchoolBridge Q & A, we will work though any questions you have, discuss ways to solve problems and share ideas on how different schools are using any areas within SchoolBridge. 

You will be emailed a ZOOM link which is free and easy to use.

This will be a friendly, open discussion where we can all ask and answer each others questions. You can choose to have your video on or off and we welcome your input. 

If you can't make this week,  we will be running these workshops each week ongoing:
View more Dates

We will be covering SchoolBridge Staff Forms, EOTC and Permission Slips.

  Click here to watch the video of the last session


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